Call Number (LC) Title Results
HE 20.402:D 83/2019 Underage drinking : myths versus facts 1
HE 20.402:D 83/2021 Underage drinking : myths versus facts 1
HE 20.402:D 83/2023 Underage drinking: myths versus facts 1
HE 20.402:D 84/ National household survey on drug abuse. Main findings 1
HE 20.402:D 84/2 Drug use among U.S. workers : prevalence and trends by occupation and industry categories 1
HE 20.402:D 84/3/KIT Elimine las drogas de su centro de trabajo : un paquete para empresarios 1
HE 20.402:D 84/4 National and state estimates of the drug abuse treatment gap 2000 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse 1
HE 20.402:D 84/5 Drugs, alcohol and HIV/AIDS a consumer guide for African Americans 1
HE 20.402:D 84/6 Should you talk to someone about a drug, alcohol, or mental health problem? substance use and mental health problems are treatable, and help is available 1
HE 20.402:D 84/7 Why do adults misuse prescription drugs? 1
HE 20.402:D 84/9 Preliminary data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network, April 2019-October 2020 1
HE 20.402:D 84/9/ALCOHOL DAWN and alcohol 1
HE 20.402:D 84/9/COVID-19 DAWN and COVID-19 1
HE 20.402:D 84/9/HEROIN DAWN : heroin and nonmedical use of prescription opioids 1
HE 20.402:D 84/9/MARIJUANA DAWN and marijuana 1
HE 20.402:D 84/9/METHAMPHETAMINE DAWN and methamphetamine 1
HE 20.402:D 84/10 Employee Assistance Program prescription drug toolkit and fact sheets 1
HE 20.402:D 84/992 National household survey on drug abuse. Main findings 1
HE 20.402:D 84/993 National household survey on drug abuse. Main findings 1
HE 20.402:ED 8/KIT Children's program kit : supportive education for children of addicted parents 1